Place of Prayer

Located at 599 New Boston Rd. Bedford NH 03110. (GPS and mailing)

Directions from the east: Rt 101 to Rt 114. One mile to traffic light. (Market Basket on right). Take left at that light. This is New Boston Rd. Follow for 6-8 minutes, watching numbers on mailboxes on right. Look for Sandford Engineering on the right. The next dirt road (after New Boston town sign) is Boulder Drive. Take Boulder Drive, see signs for the Place of Prayer, and places to park.

Directions from the west: Rt 101 Amherst NH to Smokehouse Barbecue (formerly Cider Mill) and Horace Greeley Rd. on left. Follow Horace Greeley Rd. to where it forks with Chestnut Hill Rd on left. Take Chestnut Hill Rd which renames itself to New Boston Rd. Pass the New Boston Satellite Tracking Center on left, pass Klondike Corner on left. Turn left at next dirt road which is Boulder Drive. See signs for the Place of Prayer and parking.

Telephone: 603-494-7020 txt or ph

Facebook: Place of Prayer Bedford NH


Caretakers: Rev. Dr. Lori Wiley and Lloyd