How the Place of Prayer Began

LORI’S STORY:  I had a heart attack, followed by forty days of recovery, in 2003. The best form of recovery for me was sitting outdoors on a stump, looking at the sky, clouds, white birches, and God’s beautiful world, which brought spiritual, emotional, and physical healing. That stump, donated by a neighbor, rotted away, and has been replaced three times since then. Every year there is a new inspiration for more stations! Two Girl Scout troops set up a station for the Secret Garden (based on the book), and a Sensory Garden (raised beds for plants that appeal to the five senses). Our grandson and his cousins built a Japanese bridge, a Children’s Trail, and an Arch, while also catching frogs and fishing in the Pond. Our son-in-law carved a chair out of a tree, and the Prayer Chair sits in the hemlock grove called the Holy Ground Grove. He also built a lovely bench from trees at their place. Our neighbor gave a sign for the entrance. Neighbors bring their grandchildren, and preschools bring their students. It has blossomed over the years as new features were added. There are now over 18 stations, many are plant-based, including flowers, trees, and water.  In 2023, a water garden, rock garden, peace garden, and monarch butterfly garden were added. There are plans for a labyrinth in 2024. For me the Place of Prayer is about joy, creativity, being outside in Nature, connecting with God, our Creator, and sharing it all with strangers, friends, neighbors, relatives, and anyone who wants to connect with God in a way that is creative and involves Nature.

Lloyd and Lori: Who are we?

Lori (Glorilyn Sandford Wiley) I grew up on Chestnut Hill, in New Boston and Amherst NH, near where we live now. I graduated from Milford High School in 1965. We moved “down the road” from my parents in 1983, raised our two children, and are happily involved in the life of our grandson.

After graduating from high school I attended Fairwood Bible Institute, then Simmons College (Journalism), Western Carolina University, where I earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication, and a Master’s Degree in Early Childhood; also met my husband. We served in ministry in several places on the East Coast. I taught in preschools, elementary schools, and as a Professor in several colleges. I earned a PhD in Developmental Psychology at Boston College, and a Doctor of Religious Education at Bethany College. In 1997 at age 50, I received a call to ordained ministry, and attended Gordon-Conwell Theological seminary for that purpose, earning a Master of Divinity degree. I was ordained with standing in the National Association of Congregational Churches, the American Baptists and the Presbyterian Church USA, also a Certificate in Transitional Ministry and became Dean of the Institute for Learning. My PhD was in character education which led to writing and publishing books and articles, traveling around the country and overseas for speaking engagements on that topic. It was during my first pastorate that the Place of Prayer was conceived, and when I retired 20 years later, it became my main ministry. As a writer, I have published five books, the latest, Reconciliation of Systems.

Lloyd’s Story: Lloyd was raised in California, along with his two sisters. His father encouraged Lloyd’s amazing ability as an artist, but once he started college, Lloyd had his own sheetrock business, which he had learned while attending two years of Fairwood Bible Institute. When he returned home to North Carolina, he and Lori began leading a Christian group on campus. He had always aspired to be a minister, earned a Bachelor’s Degree in History, and a Master’s Degree in Counseling, completed an ordination program at the Institute for Learning of the American Baptists and was ordained. He began church work in Maine (1977), Massachusetts (1978-80), where he also taught at a Christian school, and was pastor in Boise, Idaho in 1980-82. Ministry was put on hold for the next 22 years as he served as a police officer. When he retired from police work, he was part of a Kairos team ministering in the NH State prison, and he was called to serve as Pastor in a Baptist church in Lyme NH, where he continues to serve, for ten years and counting. He is an avid gardener and has provided the family with beans, tomatoes, peas, onions, and more. He has the gift of making and fixing things, a true handyman, so most of the stations at the Place of Prayer, and many friends, have received his kind care. His favorite task at this time is being part of the team that chauffeurs his grandson to school and other activities, listening to the many thoughts, opinions, and creative ideas of a ten-year old.