Supplies: Bibles, paper, index cards, post-it notes, stationary, booklet for journal, large paper to put on floor or wall; pen, pencil, markers, mirror(s), heavy rocks, pail of water, alka-seltzer tablets, world map/state map, pins, cardboard box with a bottle of water, bag of rice, clothesline and clothespin
STATION: “In the Image”
Directions for:
Look into the mirror and think about how wonderfully, unique and fearfully you are made.
How does the person whose image you see in the mirror reflect God’s image?
STATION: Forgiving Others
Directions for:
Do you choose to forgive others for something they did that hurt you or do you keep holding onto your hurt feelings?
Pick up an effervescent alkaseltzer tablet and let it represent something someone has done to you that has hurt you deeply.
Drop the tablet into the glass of water and watch it dissolve. Forgiving others for a hurt they may have caused allows your hurt feelings to dissolve and disappear, forever. Thank God for forgiveness.
Directions for:
(Cardboard box) Take a moment to look inside the cardboard dwelling to see the variety of food, furnishings and water the inhabitants would have in this homestead.
Everyday we either read, watch or hear of a disaster somewhere in the world. Think about situations of poverty, homelessness, hunger, a water crisis or human trafficking that you are familiar with around the world.
Pray “your kingdom come, your will be done” over each situation that you are thinking and praying about. Put a mark on the world map to indicate the location of these situation/s.
STATION Be Sorry/ Be Forgiven
Directions for:
Do you regret something you have done in the past? Does this regret make it hard for you to live in the present?
Pick up a stone or big, heavy rock. Let it represent a regret you have been holding onto for a long time. Let go of the stone, dropping it into the water as you say sorry. Letting go of our regrets, frees us and helps shape a way forward to learn from our past failures. The stone/rock are used as a visual representation of the heavy burden of un-forgiveness.
STATION “Before I die”
Directions for:
If you could ask God ONE QUESTION before you die, what would you ask? Write your question on a note then lay it on or inside the “casket”.
If there are any other Big Questions you have, please write them out on a post-it note and hang the note up on the line with a clothes pin.
Station Be Grateful/ Be Thankful
Directions for:
Express your gratitude to God for those things you are most thankful for… by writing a thank you note, or a poem, or creating a piece of artwork.
If you wish, display your work by hanging it on display.
Directions for;
ARTISTIC EXPRESSION-Draw or doodle using the paper as the work surface for your prayers…
PRAYER JOURNAL-Sit down and write in the prayer journal provided or…
Station Prayer Closet
Directions for :
Think about the church you attend and other churches. List the churches in the area, or those you have attended in your own lifetime. Take a moment to pray for the pastors, their families, and congregations in the many churches.
To highlight specific communities, situations and people groups you are praying for please put a post-it on those locations on the State and USA maps.