We are people of numbers. We quantify everything. The concept of numbers was created by God. God invented time: the first day, the second day… So it is predictable that we quantify our prayers:
How many times do you pray … per day, in a week, …?
How long are your prayers?… one minute prayer? 5 minute prayer? an hour?
What form of communication do you use to pray? silent? spoken? sung? written?
We could slip into quantifying our prayer life. But doing so usually leads to guilt (I never pray enough.) Or worse, comparing our prayer statistics to those of others, which leads to our sense of inferiority (she prays more than I do) or superiority/pride (I think I pray better than he does). If it helps you to quantify your prayer life, go for it, but let’s call that baby steps. Let me describe a better way.
My definition of Prayer is being in relationship. Let’s use a human to human relationship as an illustration: a married couple or a parent/child and for some of us parent/grandchild. That person is always in your mind, sometimes sub-consciously. You dream about them, and think about them when you can’t sleep. Your perspective on all decisions is influenced by that relationship. You ask their opinions and share your thoughts. You want to bless them and not hurt them. You want to communicate often, to hear about them and their lives, and to share your own. You love them deeply, and are filled with joy when you can be together. All of this is for a human relationship. God has offered us a relationship like this with him. All of the above describes a relationship we can have with God!