“Prayer is the quintessential spiritual experience.”

The Place of Prayer is for anyone who desires a vibrant prayer life, and is open to praying in new ways. You are invited — there’s a whole world out there, waiting for you to explore and discover, to add a whole new dimension to your life! This site provides ideas and activities to enliven your prayer life.


LOCATION: 599 New Boston Rd. Bedford NH USA 03110

GPS: Boulder Drive, New Boston NH

CONTACT: Face Book: Place of Prayer Bedford NH

PHONE/TEXT preferred: 603 494 7020

EMAIL: placeofprayerbedfordnh@gmail.com

The Place of Prayer is open with new gardens: Helen Keller Sensory Garden, The Secret Garden, Healing Herb Garden, Perennial Garden. The Biblical Garden, Healing Herb Garden, Memory Garden, Pet Memorial Garden, and Magic Miracle Glade continue, as well as the Prayer Garden, Butterfly Garden, Prayer Path, Circle of Prayer, Holy Ground Grove, Singing Prayer Chair, and more.

Self-guided tours: Come any time in all weather. For a Tour, call, text, or email with the date and time. Dogs welcome.

Information is located in the Bible Museum and Prayer Library, as well as mail boxes.

Go to the blogs INFORMATION and SELF-GUIDED TOUR for further details.